Archive for December 25, 2007

Proverbs Seven and God’s Grace

Posted in Blogging, God, Poetry with tags , , , , , on December 25, 2007 by sunthank

My day has been spent completely and enjoyably tied up with family and eating, lots of eating! So I now present for your reading enjoyment a piece that I wrote a while back. Its theme becomes clear the more you read through and though this isn’t exactly Christmas material I do think for many Christian single men this is in fact everyday material. Please feel free to comment.

If you had ever taken the time to stop me and ask

The time was now but if you’d asked me I’d laugh

When it was you plus me plus us it was a joke not math and

I’ve subtracted you out of my life and there’s no remainder, When you remain I’m in danger, danger to remain, its better that you’re a stranger. Stranger than fiction, I can’t make this up. I make my fiction strange, estranged from you but you had me locked up!

…..from the minute you walked up.


[Deep Breath]This is my poem of a story of a life of letters on a page from my mind, out my mouth to your ears. [Exhale and Breathe Deep]

[Speak to Your Self] Stop. Slow Down.


I CAN’T! I’m in love with my own words and the Lord gave me a mouth to proclaim messages like my sidekick to your heart, from start to finish here’s the story of my life.

My life, my life, my life, in the sunshine. Everybody loves the sunshine

And my sunshine is the son shine. I reflect like a broken mirror put back together, forever I reflect the son, but when I was with you the Lord wasn’t looking at me, so the shine that shun was just residue left over, and now I’m going through spiritual atrophy.

Please God don’t be mad at me, I’m like the demi-godz and only know apathy.

I’m Addicted to these chics who take me away from what I had to be. It’s sad to see but I’m glad to be free from such afflictions and affections which has the effects of drug prescriptions, diseases, addictions, all misconceptions of love.

And I get my high on your low because this game is soooo fun just to flirt, just to go slow. Let’s just talk and pretend to be friends, but we both know what we want, it’s just fun to pretend. Damn, I stepped over the edge, its no longer a game, no longer the same, things just got so serious, I just walked into the flame, got burnt and now I’m changed, chained to emotions and physically chained to your frame. Girl your frame is so insanely fine. And I wish you could be so insanely mine. I look you down in insidious ways, and I replay your/my/our frames together in my mind. I don’t mind your flirtatious demeanor, in fact it’s good for my pride and feeds my self esteem, I mean, your sexy but don’t let me forget my purpose is directly influenced by higher powers, and you just seem to be an influence contrary to nature. I do what I don’t want to do, and I oh so want you…but I don’t.

Like a duel, double barreled shot gun loaded with two different desires, and it’s pointed at my head and whichever bullet hits my temple first I become its victim, its slave.

I thank God His bullet is more effectual than yours cus His divine rape of my soul is the most gracious thing happening to me, and I only want to worship at your temple because you look fine. God’s made me His temple, so my friend, I must decline – resist your presence. I’m in love with I AM and stuck in a relationship of spiritual transcendence.

My life, my life, my life, my life in the Son shine. I’m so in love with that Son shine!

Father, protect me from the woman of Proverbs 7. Amen.