Archive for Juno

Juno – Best Movie of the Year

Posted in Blogging, Culture, Poetry, Washington D.C. with tags , , , , , on December 31, 2007 by sunthank

I have found my new favorite movie of the year. By far the number one movie people need to see is Juno. It’s the story of a 16 year old girl, Juno MacGuff, who discovers her senior year of high school that she is twelve weeks pregnant. (This opening scene is by far one of the most hilarious scenes I’ve come across.) The father is her best friend Paulie Bleeker, a boney and, perhaps to some, a nerdy track runner, who has been in love with Juno throughout high school. Juno decides to give her baby to a seemingly in love and really nice suburban family who is unable to conceive but willing to adopt. The story, in a comically hysterical fashion, revolves around Juno’s quick and sharp tongue as she deals “with subject matter way beyond [her] own maturity level.” Juno is played by Ellen Page and she does an amazing job. The writer, Brook Busey-Hunt, aka Diablo Cody, wanted to create an indie type film in which the protagonist was a witty female because she said she was sick of seeing films today which never placed a female in that role. Ellen Page excelled in that role. Seriously, go into this movie with a pen and pad and just jot down the one liners you hear…they’re genius!!! I’ve seen it twice and can’t wait to get the DVD when its out. If you don’t come out of the movie absolutely loving it than you must have fallen asleep. And if you fell asleep during this film than you must be narcoleptic.
